Apollo Elementary School

A Continuous School Improvement Model

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Apollo Elementary School

The Challenge

Students across Louisiana were projected to do much worse on the standardized tests than in past years because it was the first year of implementation of the more rigorous Common Core State Standards and next generation assessments. For the past five years, Apollo Elementary School has seen consistent increases in iLEAP and LEAP test scores. However, going into the 2013-14 school year, teachers and administrators at Apollo Elementary were anxious about maintaining that track record.


The steady gains in test scores that Apollo Elementary was making were due largely in part to their school improvement plan. By continuing to follow their plan and the school improvement process over the years Apollo Elementary was well positioned to tackle the challenge of the Common Core.


Apollo Elementary students outperformed their district and state peers on the 2013-14 iLEAP and LEAP tests. More Apollo students performed at or above grade level and fewer Apollo students performed below grade level than district or state averages.

School District State
Above Grade Level
At Grade Level
Below Grade Level

“Core Concepts was a part of my students’ success on LEAP tests. It was extremely helpful in re-teaching lessons not mastered in class. It gave us immediate feedback for daily RTI targeted interventions.”

Lucia Wood,
LEAP Assessment Instructor,
Apollo Elementary Teacher of the Year

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