
Successful adaptation through our
educational resources

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Bilingual (ESL, ELL)

Successful adaptation through our educational resources

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Fluent Futures:
Bilingual Learning Journey

Provide your students with a variety of learning approaches to accommodate diverse learning styles.

Allow English Learners (EL) to meet the second language proficiency.

Provide them with the necessary tools to meet the same challenging state academic standards as expected.

Mastering English:
The Prime Choice for Learners!

In sync with the goals of bilingual programs, our initiative is dedicated to enabling English Learners (EL) to master a second language and excel in meeting the rigorous state academic standards set for all students.

We uphold the shared responsibility alongside the state educational agency (SEA), local educational agencies (LEAs), and schools in enhancing the English proficiency and core academic content knowledge of EL students.

Our program is centered on providing the essential academic groundwork needed for these learners to achieve their life goals, leveraging language proficiency as a stepping stone towards their broader aspirations.

Which educational resource aligns with the Bilingual education initiative?


Mechanics is a bilingual program for re-teaching essential foundation skills that should have been mastered in grades 1 through 8 in math, reading, writing, and vocabulary.

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These products are available in a Web
version & Study Buddy, a handheld
device that works with cartridges!

Study Buddy, the way students learn better!

Meet our internet-free system device: Study buddy, the most requested by schools to support English second language learners.

Educators report that Study Buddy:

  • Engage students more than any other program: It allows them to enhance their self-esteem, growth, and progress. Motivation is the first step to success!
  • Help students learn more: They learn with guided feedback by receiving an instant review that tells them why they are wrong and how to get it right.
  • Improve attitudes dramatically: Students receive greater personal and employment opportunities for the future.

Brainchild’s patented learning process allows students to help themselves:

  • Play multimedia lesson
  • Study with immediate feedback
  • Test to track progress
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Meet our internet – free system device: Study buddy, the most requested by adult center sites for the ABE and GED/HiSET preparation.

Educators report that Study Buddy:

  • Engage students more than any other program: It allows them to enhance their self-esteem, growth, and progress. Motivation is the first step to success!
  • Help students learn more: They learn with guided feedback by receiving an instant review that tells them why they are wrong and how to get it right.
  • Improve attitudes dramatically: Students receive greater personal and employment opportunities for the future.


Brainchild’s patented learning process allows students to help themselves:

  • Play multimedia lesson
  • Study with immediate feedback
  • Test to track progress
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Check out what our clients are saying about us

“As part of a Title III bilingual program initiative we have implemented the Brainchild Study Buddy program successfully in over 30 Miami-Dade Public Schools as a resource for students learning English as a second language. The format makes it fun to learn concepts that would normally not be so appealing to them. Students look forward to using the program and taking ownership of their learning.”

District Supervisor for Instructional Support

Our success stories

Provide your students with the appropriate tools to master their second language!

I need this!