Migrant Education

Successful adaptation through our education resources

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Migrant Education

Successful adaptation through our education resources

Contact us

Is your school implementing Migrant Education Programs?

Smooth the continuous academic transition for your learners.

Provide your students with the necessary tools to meet the same challenging state academic standards as expected

Provide access to
for all.

Help them study better &
score higher!

Recognizing the invaluable role of Migrant programs in smoothing the path for these learners, addressing their unique needs along the way, our initiative is to equip migrant students with the necessary tools for academic enrichment, enabling them to meet stringent state standards and successfully complete their high school education.

Students gain more than just academic assistance. They have the opportunity to receive a high-quality education, a fundamental pillar for their future employability.

Which educational resources align with the Migrant initiative?


Mechanics is a bilingual program for re-teaching essential foundation skills that should have been mastered in grades 1 through 8 in math, reading, writing, and vocabulary.

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Achiever is a proven, evidenced-based preparation program for grades 1-8. It provides data-driven instruction for mastery of Math, ELA, Science, and Social Studies standards with personal learning plans for every student.

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These products are available in a Web
version & Study Buddy, a handheld
device that works with cartridges!

Meet our internet – free system device: Study buddy, the most requested by adult center sites for the ABE and GED/HiSET preparation.

Educators report that Study Buddy:

  • Engage students more than any other program: It allows them to enhance their self-esteem, growth, and progress. Motivation is the first step to success!
  • Help students learn more: They learn with guided feedback by receiving an instant review that tells them why they are wrong and how to get it right.
  • Improve attitudes dramatically: Students receive greater personal and employment opportunities for the future.


Brainchild’s patented learning process allows students to help themselves:

  • Play multimedia lesson
  • Study with immediate feedback
  • Test to track progress
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Study Buddy, the way students learn better!

Meet our internet-free system device: Study buddy, the most requested by schools for academic transition.

Educators report that Study Buddy:

  • Engage students more than any other program: It allows them to enhance their self-esteem, growth, and progress. Motivation is the first step to success!
  • Help students learn more: They learn with guided feedback by receiving an instant review that tells them why they are wrong and how to get it right.
  • Improve attitudes dramatically: Students receive greater personal and employment opportunities for the future.

Brainchild’s patented learning process allows students to help themselves:

  • Play multimedia lesson
  • Study with immediate feedback
  • Test to track progress
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Provide the preparation Migrants need for, responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment.

I need this!
I need this!