Our company have over two decades providing specialized academic tools that are specifically designed to assist institutions in achieving excellence in a variety of Local, State and Federal programs.
Helping education sites to meet their
State and Federal programs
Discover which academic
resources fit better with your program
Adult Education
These programs provide funding for adult education sites that give instruction below the post secondary level to adults who are 16 years or older. They are designed to improve basic reading, writing, numeracy, and English language skills; assist them in completing secondary school and prepare them for successful transition to post secondary education and work.
Correctional Education -Juvenile justice
These programs lower recidivism rates and increase employment opportunities post-release. Also, they aim to support state and local delinquency prevention and intervention efforts and juvenile justice system improvements.
These programs contributes to smoothing the continuous academic transition students are facing. Also, they aim to provide the right tools for academic enrichment to achieve state standards that allow them to complete high school.
Bilingual (ESL, ELL)
These programs allow English learners (EL) to meet the second language proficiency and achieve the same challenging state academic standards that other students are expected to meet.
Special education
These programs ensure that all children with disabilities have access to a high-quality education designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living.
21st CCLC/ Afterschool
These programs provide opportunities during afterschool hours to help students, mainly those who attend low-performing schools to meet the challenging State academic standards.
McKinney-Vento / Homeless
These programs ensure that homeless children have equal access to education in each state. They include addressing problems due to transportation needs, immunization and residency requirements, lack of birth certificates and school records, and guardianship issues.
Our company is committed to empowering educators with the resources they need to ensure that all students have access to quality education.