Frequently Asked Questions

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Does Brainchild software work only on the Study Buddy?

All software works on any device with an internet connection: desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices.

How much do Brainchild products cost?

Each of our products has a different price. If you are interested in our PRICING Click here

High School Equivalency

1. Is the HSE preparation content integrated, or can I prepare my students by subject?

Our HSE programs include all the subjects required of both tests: math, language arts, and science for HiSET and social studies for GED.

2. How long does the GED/HiSET preparation take?

Each student is an individual case. The length depends on the student’s basic knowledge and the time allocated for the HSE test preparation.

3. Do my students always need an internet connection to access the material?

Not at all! All our resources are also available in our Study Buddy internet-free system. This device allows your students to practice no matter where they are!


1. How many items per subject includes?

You might find upwards of 1.000 items per subject. Each lesson includes multimedia instruction and immediate feedback.

2. Do teachers have the possibility to assign homework through Achiever!?

Yes! Teachers are allowed to designate students’ homework depending on what they need to strengthen in a personalized way. Make them the best for the state assessments!

3. Do the parents have access to the scores?

In the online version parents can use the student’s username and password to review the scores, even all the academic process.

4. Can Achiever! help my students improve their scores on state tests?

Achiever provides self-paced learning for Math, ELA, Science, and Social Studies with personal learning plans for every student.

5. Is Achiever’s standards mastery content state specific?

Yes! Achievers’ content has been aligned with each state’s standards.


1. What kind of students does Pathfinders help?

Pathfinders is an adult education program aligned to TABE and CASAS skills. Students take a TABE or CASAS locator test then use the appropriate Pathfinders level for self-paced study.

2. How many levels are there per subject?

Your students are able to access 3 levels per subject. Remember that this educational resource includes Reading, Language, and Mathematics.

3. Is Pathfinders only available in English?

The online version of Pathfinders is presented in English and has immediate Spanish support. The Study Buddy version comes in English versions and Spanish versions.

4. Do my students always need an internet connection to access the material?

Not at all! All our resources are also available in our Study Buddy portable electronic tutor. This device allows your students to practice no matter where they are!


1. What kind of students does Mechanics help?

Students who perform two or more grade levels below their peers whether they are economically disadvantaged or speakers of English as a second language.

2. Could teachers build students’ tests?

Absolutely! Educators are available to choose test questions to create and print student worksheets with answer keys for easy scoring.

3. Does Mechanics work for struggling readers?

Sure! This educational resource helps the student’s comprehension and pronunciation while reading. There is even an option to have Mechanics read to them.

Study Buddy:

1. What do teachers use Study Buddy for?

Teachers can provide extra help to students who are far behind their peers and reduce classroom size with small Study Buddy learning groups. Additionally, they reteach essential basic skills and provide differentiated instruction on Common Core and state standards.

2. What includes a Study Buddy software cartridge?

About 1,000 question items with feedback and a teaching animation for each lesson.

3. How do we get reports?

Teachers and parents are allowed to review tracking student progress with the Study Buddy Gradebook software by following the next steps:
– Use a USB cable to connect Study Buddy to your computer.
– Import scores and learning time.
– Print report cards to show student progress on your state standards and lessons.
– Keep the scores on the cartridges.
– Assign a cartridge to a student with the Study Buddy Gradebook software.

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